Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I love Spring Break. I love it not because we ever go do anything at all but because we get more time together. I have enjoyed the couple of days of working out because we spend time together. It is nice that yesterday Paul and I walked around the track together most of the hour we were out there. We can talk and just enjoy one another when that is the case. I love that I made time with the boys and took them to a movie, even if we all had wished something like Hunger Games was playing this week instead. I love that we have made some very simple dinners and enjoyed a movie together each night. We are movie people for sure. Most of all I am so thankful that Paul has off tomorrow and we will have a three day weekend with one another. I am really looking forward to that. It starts bright and early with running a load of scrap metal, then lots of yard work to get the garden ready. Hope you are having a great Thursday.


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Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24