Monday, February 22, 2010

Menu Monday

First I want to say that I didn't find Walgreens to work out so well for me with stacking of coupons. I was pretty disappointed really. Their beginning prices were a lot higher than Walmart and then to get to the register and not get the items for the price it should have been wow what a pain. So not sure if I will try it again. It did give me a $2 RR for the Excedrin that I bought, which was nice. I think I was most upset over the Listerine and crest. On either item they would only accept the Walgreens coupon. Anyway lesson learned...
I just find I do better at Kroger, or go to Walmart for my household items. I got 2 purex with a BOGO this weekend, 6 Campbell's soup with a $1/3 printable, 2 Country Crock butter with a 30 cent coupon (triples to 60 cents) plus was part of the buy 10/$3 off Kroger sale, 1 soft soap body with $1 off, 1 bottle of soft soap hand soap with $1.00 off, sale price this week was 88 cents. The total came to $9 and some change. The Purex was the best deal, next to the free soap. I got the BOGO free price at $4.12 and the sale was for $2.49 a bottle. That made it just about $1 for both bottles. I must admit I can't make soap that cheap. I have some more of those coupons on the way. I am praying they get here before Tue night when the sale is over.

Now to my Menu Monday, we will be using alot of bagged and boxed foods that I have gotten on sale lately. This week Gortons fish was $2.49 a bag after my coupons.

Fish Sticks/ Fish Filets and Betty Crocker Augrautin Potatoes, can of corn, can of green beans

Frito Pies- Jakob on his own

Homemade Chicken Tenders (from chicken my cousin gave us) and homemade fries, okra

Blueberry Waffles and Bacon (bacon free from Food Basket last week)

Homemade Pizza per request of Zekaryah

Spaghetti and Garlic Bread, Broccoli
On Your Own

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised that they didn't take both coupons at Walgreens. Usually, at ours, we can use a store coupon with a manufacturer's coupon. One of our grocery stores, Meijer, lets us use Meijer Mealbox coupons with manufacturer coupons. Could it be that your cashier didn't understand?

    Your menu sounds really good. Ours is going to be lean this week. My daughter threw a fit tonight because I made shepherd's pie - vegetables! She hates vegetables but had better learn to like them!

    I'm so excited. My son, Jonathon, bought his first car tonight! Yippee! No more borrowing ours!

    Talk to you later,


Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24