I love challenges. I think they help motivate me. Of course this challenge will require my whole family. Last year I did pretty good at following the Organizing Junkie... but the summer hit, we got kind of busy and it tapered off. Well I am back at it again. I am happy to say I just let my husband know that "WE" are doing this challenge.
Since Last January for our anniversary we have been trying to get this room off our closet finished and organized. Our house does not really have closets, pantries etc and it is very frustrating. Having a Quilting business- sort of anyway I need a place to store all my fabric and supplies. I also need some place to store food- since I have been trying really hard to use extra money and stock up on items that I know we will use when I can use a coupon and hit a sale. This week I did pretty good. Yet I have containers of food and it is driving me crazy.
So here we are one year later. I stumbled across this today and thought here we go. We are going to make getting this room done a priority for February 2010. I really will need help once we can get walls and shelves as I have about 6 huge rubbermaid containers of fabric to go through and organize. Not quite sure how I will get that part done, but first thing first- finish walls and put in shelves.
I am very excited. I would like a more productive and organized Home!!
If you would like to read about the challenge...*
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Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24