Monday, January 25, 2010

Menu Monday

This week my soon to be 12 year old, Zekaryah, has a birthday on the 30th. Since I am still without job my idea this year was to allow him to choose his menu for the entire week. That worked a little but in some ways was a little crazy. I did not allow him to choose desserts all week because we eat so late on most school nights anyway.
Cheese Enchiladas- younger two
Bean Burrito- oldest
Kids want a side of Pineapple with their dinner
Homemade Salsa and Chips
Chicken, mushroom, onion and cheese enchiladas- Paul and I
Frito Pies or Chili Dogs- your choice
Hot dog- Jakob
Soup of choice and BLT or Grilled Cheese
Fish Sticks, Three Cheese Potatoes, Brocolli
I am still hoping for us to purchase Salmon for $5.99 at HEB before then for us adults
Baked Potatoes
Movie Night
Zekaryah's Feast Dinner
Chicken Tenders
Homemade Velvetta Mac N Cheese
Mashed Potatoes
Cheesecake for dessert
Homemade Waffles, Whip Cream and Blueberries
Note: My oldest is not found of anything on this menu, so I am just waiting to hear how dinner will go for him all week. Thankfully I can always give him some cold cereal if all else fails.


  1. Great idea on the meal plans! You didn't have to plan it and they feel special! Have a great week.

  2. Great menu! And birthday wishes to the birthday boy :)


Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24