Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Start of a New Year 2013

It  has been a very long time since I blogged. I found it difficult to keep up with blogging while trying to quilt, sub teach, take care of kids and their schedules/homework etc. I don't know that life has ever been quite so busy as this year. It shows me what three years from now will look like when my younger two are both in their Junior year. I cannot believe how demanding the junior year of school is.
We have finally gotten to the chimney and remodel of the side of the house is started. Its amazing how different things are. I can already tell a little difference in our ability to retain some heat in our home.
I find that I really want to make sure for 2013 we change a few things. Figure out how to purge some of our belongings so that we can be better caretakers of the inside of the house. All exercise more so that we can be fit. Get back into church on Sunday mornings.. that requires us to find a new church home. Take more pictures of moments that may not seem important as I notice time is going quickly and we have such a short time left with the kids and I miss out on quite a bit picture wise. Then there are some minor things with doing more repairs and paying down debt.
This is how we started our pictures for 2013, it was a lot of fun..


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Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24