Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Minutes

If there is one idea that the Lord is trying to teach me it is to SIMPLIFY my life or at least my home as I continue to get busier than ever before. This entire year of 2011 I have focused on getting my home clean. I got rid of 40 bags of trash and donations. I have gotten rid of some big furniture items too. Last night as I sat at the computer and could not sleep I realized I just can't keep living in the clutter. I realized its not that my house is dirty it is CLUTTERED. 
This morning I was blessed by reading a post that was WONDERFUL. I had only read it because I have been trying to win a book called Clutter Rehab for a while now. I can't see spending money on a book about clutter, it seems that I should be able to fix this myself. I might break down and do it though after today's success. I did briefly go through parts of the Organizing Junkie's blog/website for ideas too.
Today I started with lists. I am a list person. I know that it is okay we (bipolar people) have to be careful with writing lists though, it can cause the Mania to soar and then lead to some pretty awful lows. I started with a list for each child. I put on my list that I would oversee their lists and make sure they got everything done. I am sad to say that I didn't make much of a dent in my list. I am happy to report that all but one thing on all three of their lists is complete! Yeah God!!!
She says that we are not our children's slaves. Do you know that 90% of what we picked up was their junk? It was throughout the house. That is very frustrating. I explained to them while we were cleaning that normal people do not live like this, they pick up after themselves and their is a home for everything. Dishes belong rinsed and in the sink/dishwasher or in the cabinet, shoes belong in their rooms, clothing is either folded and put away or dirty in the HAMPER..They have become so LAZY. I am not that great at following through either. I am praying that after today we solved some of that. We didn't just put things away we purged a little more.
Funny that this all started with a crack in the foundation of the den getting worse. See I needed to clean everything out of that side of the room. That meant hauling some things to Zekaryah's room too. I am thankful that the Lord put it on my heart to make the kids help. I usually get in there and do it all with help for a few minutes. Today I made them stick it out until the very end. It was worth it! 
So my useful Monday Minute word Simplify gave us a great way to start the school year. With a clean and organized den, kitchen and dining room. I am thankful for the inspiration from this post this morning. I printed the chore charts found on this post for today's cleaning. I have them printed for myself until Thur of this week. 
The most important idea I learned was this one, "O.H.I.O =  Only Handle It Once method to keeping a clean house. It’s a simple, but very effective habit to instill in your children as well."
Hope you have a great week. Praying for all the kids starting back to school, or starting up homeschool. May they find their lives enriched through their learning.

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Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24