Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday Minutes

Matthew 6:31-32 
31 So do not start worrying:
         Where will my food come from? or my drink? or my clothes?32 (These are the things the pagans are always concerned about.) Your Father in heaven knows that you need all these things.

This summer Jakob really needed to work hard at community service hours. This led me to look to our community. He was not looking to work in a pet hospital or something like that. He really wanted to work somewhere that made a difference. My first thought was Society of Samaritans because we had received indirect help from them when I lost my care giving job a couple years back.
I feel so blessed to have been able to help this organization. I strictly work at their clothing location for now. There are times that one or both boys volunteer with me and there are others where I go alone. I know what it is to have to go without food so our children will have something to eat, or what it is to have to wash every night because they only have one or two pairs of jeans. We have struggled with being able to provide their school needs for a great portion of our marriage. 
I am so thankful for organizations like this. Today and Tomorrow they will be providing back to school clothing and supplies to well over 100 children. Without this ministry many of these children would not even have new and used clothing provided much less backpacks. I am thankful I was able to work so many hours to help them be prepared for this morning. I am also thankful that they were able to provide to our family this year since I didn't sell a single quilt then entire month of July. That does not normally happen. Usually I can sell a couple a month. I believe the Lord decided a better use of my time was serving them, so that in return someone else could help us. 
As you go through your week this week, ask yourself if there is something you can do in your community. Is there a neighbor that needs their lawn mowed, is there someone in your area that is elderly and might need a home cooked meal, is their an organization where you can donate a couple hours of your time. Sometimes there are even things you can do out of your home to help others. There are even others that simply could use someone to visit them because they are shut-ins. There are so many ways we can use our talents and times to help others. I challenge you to find something small, I promise it will make a huge difference in your life and in the lifes of others.

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Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24