Monday, May 9, 2011

Paul's Fabulous Green Salsa

Pauls' Fabulous Green Salsa (reposted)

Here is a great recipe for a green salsa, we love this. It is definitely as good as what you get in a Mexican Restaurant. Here is a How To Blog.. I might try to start doing this on Wednesday's as my normal post and then one day of the weekend. I find it beneficial to cook from scratch where we can. Helps me feel more like I am providing better for our family.

First thing first you take 4 tomatillos- with the husk and place them in a pan. You bring these to a blanch - boil. This will help you remove the husks without them becoming so sticky.

In a pan you cook for 15 min 3 green or yellow- not red quartered tomatoes, the unhusked and cut in half tomatillos, 3 gloves of garlic diced, and 2 jalapenos- it is up to you how much seed you leave in. The more seeds the hotter it will be. You let this all render in their own juices while cooking. DO NOT add water.

During this time you also cut/pit and half 4 avocados- these need to be ripe. Next pull off leaves to 3 sprigs of cilantro- make sure you rinse them.

Once you had let the mixture in the pan simmer 15 min or so, you pour it into a blender or food processor, we do not have the later..
add the avocados and cilantro to the blender, mix thoroughly.
Whisk in 1 large tablespoon of sour cream
Then Chill before eating, it tastes better when cold, however I eat it all the time right after he is done, because I am not very patient.
It is wonderful served with Taquitos, chips etc.

Here is what you needed to do the above- to make it easier
4 Tomatillos
4 Avocados
3-4 Green/Yellow Tomatoes- not red
3 sprigs or so of cilantro
2 jalapenos- med size
3 cloves of garlic- minced
1 large tbsp of sour cream

For other recipes see *

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