Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thankful Thursday

This week I am truly thankful for side jobs. I was a bit frustrated over the idea that I had six definite quilt orders and one by one I was loosing them. It was nice this week to get one confirmed order Sunday, that helped ease my stress over the idea that we could pay our house note with this check from Friday but we could not pay ANY of our bills for the month of November, first one due Nov 6th. Its times like this that I am so thankful for a strong marriage. It has not always been like that.
My husband's response is he would check for side work. My response was I would start looking into subbing more.
I had two jobs lined up for this week on Monday. I was so pleased. I woke up Monday morning to find them both cancelled. I felt discouraged. The Lord picked me right back up when I saw my email that morning to notice I now had a full day job on Friday that I did not request. I checked my voicemail to find it was a school I worked for last year- they are finally calling me. That full day job on Friday was worth $10 more than those two half days. That made me very happy! Not to mention I love Friday subbing jobs, it means we can wear jeans and tennis shoes.
I am thankful the Lord provided me a half day work to break me back in to how hard subbing can be. Also to show me if I get up at 5 I can get the bathroom, kitchen, wash done and still shower before I have to leave.
I was worried about how I would balance quilting and subbing. The Lord showed me yesterday that if I work on my quilting at night and the mornings of my half days it will all balance out. I had plenty of time to sew 200 blocks yesterday morning before I Had to be to my job.
I just wrote all the checks for this month and postdated them. I wanted to show that I have faith in him. I know he will provide for us this month. We have no money for gas or food at all for the entire month of November. Therefore I am trusting he has many side jobs lined up so that cash can provide for those needs.
In a world like we live in today, where so many are out of work, where companies are being bought out, where many are getting sick with no insurance etc. I am so grateful my husband has a secure job with health insurance. We may not always have the answer at the 1st or 15th of the month of how we will pay a bill but I have faith that it will be there.
SO as I am writing this post- the sub line called. I now have a job for this afternoon. Now if that isn't something to wrap up my Thankful Thursday post with-
What an Amazing God! (oh and on a side note, it brought tears to my eyes to be writing this post and get a job)


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Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24