Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

(Dad and I at the San Diego Zoo)

I am so thankful to be blessed with a wonderful father. I think this year, this post is probably the hardest of all, because the blessing means all the more this year, with the passing of my mom a couple months back. I would say I have probably always talked to my mom more as an adult because she was very Tech friendly, meaning she used email a ton, texting and then also facebook in the last couple of years. My dad- well he is not so great with all that. However, that being said I never feel unloved even though we don't pick up the phone as often as we should. Neither of us are phone people. I had the opportunity to spend the entire day at the Zoo with him in July when I went out for my mom's funeral. It was so nice, even though I was very cold! Who would have thought you couldn't wear shorts and a tank top in San Diego- a beach city in the middle of summer. Not me, but I know if we ever do it again. I think the best thing about being a kid was all the time we spent at the swap meets, car shows, junk yards and chili cook offs. It was great to spend the day with him.
(Dad with Jakob just a day old)
Love always came pretty easy for us. First he fell in love with my mom and then me, later my sister (cause she was not born yet). My mom and him met on an Airforce base in Colorado. We lived up above him in some apartments on base. Soon he took me to be his own daughter after my sister was born- by then we had moved to California where he was from. I would remain there until I got married and moved here to Texas.
I am very thankful that I had him in my life. He was and is always there for me, if ever I were to need him, and I know that he realizes the feeling and actions are mutual. He was supportive of every pursuit I had whether it be girl scouts, music (band and choir- which annoyed him at times), school stuff and later holding a job so I could pay for my own car, insurance and other things- because I was way to INDEPENDENT!
I remember my baccalaureate ceremony in High School- I got up on the stage and sang the Lord's Prayer- among a couple other songs but some lady in front of him said Man, does she have a great voice. My dad (according to my mom) leaned forward and said, "That's my daughter" and grinned from ear to ear. It's so nice to know that I am loved and cherished! He never failed to have me realize that. (dad with Zekaryah- just a week or so old)

He was always there to pick up the pieces. Esp after breaking up with this guy in college. I had really thought I was going to marry him and was terribly crushed to end things. He never did like him, but he wouldn't tell me until later. That's the kind of dad he is. He gave little hints, now that I look back but He let me make my own decisions and brushed me off when the first love thing was over.
As an adult he has been there more times then I can count. I have not had the easiest of marriages, some my fault, some natural causes. Through the loss of a child and later a miscarriage he gave me comfort and words of support. He didn't necessarily understand but knew that I needed time to heal. Through the ups and downs of my marriage, He stood by me and helped me talk it all out. He listened a great deal and helped me realize I had let go of myself and that was something I needed to work on.
He helped me heal after the deep loss of my mother in law Joyce. Caring for her had exhausted me body and soul. Her death shook me to the core and caused me to move back home for a while. He built me a bedroom in their home, so I would have a place of solitude. We would go on walks and talk, enjoy the beautiful mountains and fresh air. I started to heal and find myself again. The best thing was going to Santa Barbara with him and my mom that October. We hiked up to a little waterfall, we went to some gardens, traveled through wonderful old shops in a small city and went to the missions. I needed that trip, a reminder that life was still in front of me, if I wanted to grab a hold and take the reins.
(dad, mom and I after his 50th birthday party)
I know I surprised him once by showing up in CA for his 50th birthday. Everyone helped me by keeping it a real secret. The look on his face when he came to my brothers house for dinner and I opened the door was PRICELESS. The love spoke a thousand words just in his facial expression.
He is always so loving with his grandchildren. They drove out to Texas for each birth- both Mekenzei and Zekaryah they were a little late, cause I had them early but they were still here, even with the horrible heat with Mekenzei since she was born in May, it was a long drive but it didn't matter, since he knew it was important to me.
(Galveston Beach - after Mekenzei was born)
I think the most admirable quality I can think of is his care for my mom all the years they were married. They had some rough times like everyone else. He always stuck it out and made a way where often there didn't seem to be one. She always had health issues from the time I was in first grade on. Sometimes they got better, then she would have something pretty massive happen. In the end he cared for her with such love and compassion. I won't say it was easy, I won't say that often he was tired after a long days work and walking the dog. He did everything he could to provide a life that was comfortable for her in those last few years. They traveled more this year then any other. It was something that gave her great peace. It brings tears to my eyes to think of the true love they had. Its such a testament to us kids to see his love for her, even now really- though it is not spoken of. Its a great inspiration to me as I try so hard to be a Proverbs 31 wife. To be there for my children and my husband. Provide them with a home of love and care. He is a great example and for that I am truly blessed.
(Our Santa Barbara Trip- I am so thankful I took this picture now!)
I know with the passing of my mom, he allowed me to help him get things settled. It was something I needed to do, something that helped me feel useful. Even through my own grieving I am thankful that I could spend some time with him and just be there. I know the road ahead won't be easy for any of us but I feel blessed to have been able to for once pick up the pieces for him.
It is often so hard to be so far away. I look forward to him retiring, in hopes that he will travel here to see us some. For now I wish him a wonderful birthday. I pray that the Lord will grant him many more years on this earth. That his heart will be glad. That He will be surrounded with love. That the Lord will return the blessings upon him for the care and love that he has shown my mother as well as myself. I am so thankful that HE CHOSE to be my dad. For I am the person I am today, as a result of that choice..I love you!

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Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24