Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thankful Thursday

You know I have so much to be thankful for this week, as normal. We did very well on coupons. Getting many bottles of Purex using the BOGO coupons, in addition to the previous weeks sale where I had coupons for so much off, and then the sale with Kroger for $2.49. We do a lot of laundry around here, sometimes I feel like i have six or seven kids because they go through so many clothes and towels. Of course living in a mud pit does not help. I will be thankful when we can get some crushed concrete.
This past summer we "purchased" a truck from my husbands brother in law, it was $6000. We were able to pay half of it and we were supposed to pay $100 a month until the rest was paid off, or until our tax return. Well I lost my job in October and we could not even begin to make a payment. I really do not like owing people money, esp family. I am so thankful that our Tax Return came this past Friday. We were able to write the check for the remaining $3000.
I was also thankful to have the IRS money because we had to do the unthinkable, put the property taxes for the 21.5 acres that Paul owns on the credit card. Just a few days later the truck needed repairs and that went on the credit card. We were both just dumbfounded as we had worked so hard to pay those off. Well that money had been provided also.
I am praying for some weather that contains NO RAIN! Our 2 acres that we live on is a SWAMP! the worst part is the overflowing septic system. I don't even think it works anymore. It just flows into the yard. The entire side yard is now septic water, from the foundation of the house to the fence line and it is now going under the gate and out into the front yard.
I see the poor dogs bellies and know they are getting parasites from them. I worry about the conditions of the floor and encourage the kids to wear socks- thankfully it is cold so that is an easy battle. I know we are tracking all these yucky germs in the house too. EEEWWW gross.
In order to get it fixed though, it has to dry out so that we can even dig it up, so that someone can come drain it. What a pain. The dumbest thing of it is they placed this right outside the back door. Why on earth would you do that. UGH!
I am thankful though that eventually it will be taken care of. I am also thankful that the snow did not last long. I am not a big fan. It makes me ache. I have hurt all day today from the weather yesterday. Being out in it, probably was not the best idea.
We have much to be thankful for, as sales have been good, coupons continue to work and we now finally have a stockpile of food to fall back on because the lean months approach us. I am thankful to pay attention and adjust what we normally would eat so that we will have enough food. I am not a fan of all this processed stuff but at this point to be able to eat felt more important. I am very excited about some coupons for this week, like four for Free Tuna packages that my daughter uses for school lunches. Also 2 free Green Giant Veggie Coupons too. I am almost kicking myself for using 10 of them this week at a local store, should have held out till this week, but I was so afraid of them expiring. Those 10 could have all been free...but then I don't want to get greedy either. :-)
The Lord is so good, I am ever thankful for his Provision.
Please pray for my friend Tracey and her family- her husbands dad passed away. Also pray for a mom of our kids school, her name is Lori, her mother lost her battle to breast cancer day before yesterday. I see so much loss lately. Another reason to be thankful to know the Lord as my personal savior because I am secure in the faith that this is not the end, it is only the beginning.

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Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24