Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Great Father's Day Weekend

Mekenzei crawling between the rows to get the tomatoes we could not reach. So thankful she is small!

So super hot but they are champs helping to collect today's crop

Our First Watermelon. Looks yummy

Today's Harvest- it made two huge batches 9 qts of salsa

Prepping the salsa that hubby cooks. I think I have the easier job

What each pot looks like just before cooking.

Paul's snake got out tonight. They are extremely thankful they found him- actually curled up in a movie book that was on a shelf above the cage. Notice the green couch in the background- we have had this nearly four years, just this loveseat. Its worked but we are so thankful for this weeks provision from dear family friends.

The new couch unit, this rug and the one that sits behind it, as well as the corner table. It will be much better for watching movies and playing games. Of course we still have to figure out a window solution so that we can hook up the huge window unit a friend gave us last summer. Today we opened the kids doors and tried to get some of their ac from their rooms to flow into the living room, den and kitchen- to be honest I think all it did was drop one degree. So not sure its the best use of electricity. This constant 94+ weather inside is really starting to wear on me. I have had a constant headache all day. :-(  I think overall we had a great Father's Day weekend. Hubby is currently making pork chops/chicken tenders fried, some mashed potatoes and corn on the cob as we watch True Grit.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

You are Loved Little Miss Tara...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday Scripture Speaks

Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. 

 I think service is an important part of educating our children. I am very thankful that our High School requires community service hours if you would like to participate in National Honor Society, or receive accommodations upon graduation. I will admit it saddens me that you cannot serve at church or church functions and count these hours. I understand the separation between church and state I guess but still, it would seem if you are serving others that should be all that matters. I did like that Society of Samaritans is an acceptable form of service.
Today we- my son and I and a group of 5 other children, high school age, met at the SOS to help in their store and also in the yard doing some work. I admit that the manual labor was rough. They had demolished a building and we had to scavenge through the debris and throw away trash, building parts etc. It was hot and miserable. I thought of how nice it would have been to have water. That made me think of old days where they would work in the fields and have to walk, sometimes a long way for their water, still working in the heat and sun like we were. I am truly thankful for bottled water and that convenience. I was very proud of these children for all their hard work today. I really did not hear much complaining. That is always a great thing when you are trying to serve others. We took a break and had lunch- a youth pastor led a small sermon and prayer. I could not have asked for a better way to serve. In the later afternoon we got to help hang clothes, that others may purchase or sometimes get free with vouchers. When we were done with our four hours the lady was so thankful for the seven of us. I can't wait to go back with Jakob next week. I think it is a great way to show God's love to others by serving in a location that then serves the community. 
Of course the greatest act of service is that of Christ. He was a wonderful example of serving to others. Feeding the hungry, helping the blind and lame, healing the sick.. the list goes on and on. Then of course His ultimate service and sacrifice, dying on the cross to give us eternal life for all those that believe in Him. It is so important to serve others like Christ served us. I am excited for this new journey and pray that through our family serving we can be a light to others.

"It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Matthew 20:26-28

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Today I was in the movies with the kids when a friend called. I had to step out because I could tell she was very upset once I could hear her I realized she was telling me their home caught on fire. I was thankful for a few things. One they were safe, two the movie was almost over so we could leave and go make sure she and her family didn't need anything, three that she called me. I know that I could not do anything really but give some emotional support. They have a long road ahead as it burnt the fireplace wall and there is so much water damage from them putting the fire out. Tomorrow morning the adjusters come out and will evaluate the damage.
Please pray for a few things-
One that they cost of their deductible can be worked into their claim- we had that happen on ours years ago that really helped.
Please pray that the adjuster will walk through the home with some God granted vision. There are some repairs that already needed to happen and I would love to see them really be Blessed from this "tragedy".
Please pray that the hotel meets their needs and that if the repairs might take a while that they would get an apartment right away, we lived in a hotel for 11 months with three young children, that was no fun at all.
There is also room to pray for Blessing to another family through this. They know a friend who is a contractor and he could do some of the work for them, if this is to be please pray that the Lord will work that out.
Lord I ask you to provide a blanket of provision over this family. I ask that you meet all their needs both physically and spiritually.  I ask that you provide protection over their home, that no further damage would come but only your blessings to overflow throughout. I ask you to just surround this family with love, comfort and peace. Help this to be a work of good because we often have trouble seeing what your will is, in situations like this. Help people to come out of the woodwork to support this family who loves you and others so much. I have seen first hand so much they have done in our community for others, let your light shine through all that they have touched so they now can partake in generosity. Lord we thank you so much for protecting the two boys who were home alone, for also allowing them to be there so that the fire could be put out quickly so there was not a total loss. I thank you for all that you will do and all that you have done already. We are so grateful you are a Gracious Lord who already has a plan set into motion. These things we ask in your precious name, Amen.  Oh and I also ask that you provide provision over my husband and the men traveling to West Texas for their yearly trip. Please protect them and keep them, help them also to have a wonderful time. Amen

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wordfilled Wednesday

So since I am working out of the house this month part time, still working at home with my quilt orders and homeschooling the kids, they have been left lists each morning on their chores for the day. Today I added two essays to the list.
The first prompt was to write about what their favorite summer vacation idea is, the second prompt was to write What do you love best about DAD, i.e. Favorite Trip, memory etc.
Let me start by saying Mekenzei thought my i.e. was LIE- so that made things interesting.
So here is Mekenzei's essay for writing prompt 2

The thing I love most about dad is that he is always full of love, and he shows his love by fixing our stuff, playing with us and the simple one telling us he loves us when we leave.
Dad has always been there for us and tries to make things right, but messes up sometimes and that's ok. Everyone messes up and the point it, you don't cry over spilt milk you just move on and clean uyp your mess. Dad helps us with a lot of things and he doesn't really get the thanks he deserves when he does do something for us. Dad loves us with all of his heart, but he gets taken for granted sometimes. From time to time he gets left out and feels lonely, but then we spend time with him by watching movies. When we go on vacations we spend a lot of time with him because, well he is really fun. We have the most wonderful father in the world who fixes things, builds things, plays with us, spends time with us and really loves us very much.
This is just one of the many things I like about Dad. He loves us so much, and cares about us a lot but doesn't very well know he is loved back, so we do a lot of things for him to let him know we love him, and it isn't enough. If there is one things a Daddy's Girl should let there dad know its that they love them and I do very much.

Wordfilled wed

So since I am working out of the house this month part time, still working at home with my quilt orders and homeschooling the kids, they have been left lists each morning on their chores for the day. Today I added two essays to the list.
The first prompt was to write about what their favorite summer vacation idea is, the second prompt was to write What do you love best about DAD, i.e. Favorite Trip, memory etc.
Let me start by saying Mekenzei thought my i.e. was LIE- so that made things interesting.

Here are Jakobs Essays- which is not an essay more a paragraph- so I know he DID NOT read my instruction or needs to look up the word ESSAY in the dictionary.

1. Something inexpensive that we could do is go to Galveston for the day. Or if we wanted to stay in "town" we could go to the movies. Even if we went to Uncle Dales or Uncle Davids pool, that would be fun, since our pool is more for cooling down in. As long as we do something fun every once in a while, I think we can be kept entertained.

2. shouldn't ask a guy a question like this...Oh!
Here's something. (deep breath)... crap, I blanked out again...not that I can't think of anything, but I can't think of anything to write .... about this.
One of the things I like about dad is that he is good in many areas that I am not, for example, socializing. While it can be annoying (extremely), I think that he is helping me to become more social.
Another trait he is good at is the art of Bs'ing An example of the uses of BSing in the 5 or so lines above this short essay.
----He then drew a picture that looks like tetrus
and then wrote
(the purpose of the above image is to give me a page's worth of content.

All I can do is laugh.. and I just had to share. Very creative and he did not follow directions!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tackle it Tuesday

Today's Tackle- My finished Queen Size Tshirt Quilt. First Ever!!
I don't even know how I got this done to be honest. I started working on it May 31st and Jakob helped me get it quilted today after work. It was a HUGE project. I am thankful for the order because I have been able to have the experience to know how much more these quilts take out of me. I also raised my price. I did this quilt for $300 and I can tell you that was not enough, esp since it REQUIRES me to have someone help quilt. So in the future I will know to charge more. I am in the process of teaching this month and also homeschooling Zekaryah on three subjects- and assuring that the other two do some schooling- that is not going as well. We also just started a new group with Jakob called the Venture Crew- it is kind of boyscouts for girls and boys ages 14-18. It is alot of fun so far however it requires more time out of my schedule. It will ensure that he gets more volunteer hours, which he needs for that full ride he is intersted in.
Anyway I hope to get back to Blogging it has just been a busy ride since school let out on the 26th.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful for a great deal. This morning I start my three week summer job, it will provide extra income.
On Saturday I had a family visitor that was nice.
On Sunday we went to my husbands families home and I was able to pull off a surprise cake and gift for his upcoming 40th birthday- which he will be gone for. It was nice to do something for him.
I am thankful for a queen size quilt order that came in on the 25th. I am a little nervous that my schedule has stayed busy and I don't have the quilt top done yet.
I am thankful that Jakob starts a new group today called Venturing Crew. He never does anything social so I am praying this will bring opportunity for some fun along with some service in the community.
I am thankful for dental insurance and the fact that Paul can take the morning off to take the kids and himself to appointments. I had set up the visit prior to knowing I got this part time job so it was nice he was accommodating.
I am thankful that we notorized once again MeKenzei's form for her birth certificate change, they sent it back to us rejected. I pray everything is correct this time. The last one the notary put the wrong city and county.